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About Forkful
We are friends who love making simple food look beautiful. We hope our recipes will inspire you to get into the kitchen this season. Aoife McElwain works in front of the camera writing the recipes and styling the food, while Mark Duggan works behind the camera to make sure it all looks as delicious as possible. We work with editors such as Killian Broderick and music supervisors like Nialler9 to make sure that our finished videos look and sound as smart as possible. We work with brands like Glenisk and Folláin to help them create delicious video content for their online platforms. When we're not making videos, we write a weekly column called Speedy Suppers on Thursdays in The Irish Independent. Aoife writes the recipes and styles the food while Mark takes the photographs.  

cheese + apple toastie

Sandwiches for supper is sometimes exactly what the doctor ordered. Once upon a time, a sandwich meant ham and cheese but these days we have a wealth of creative sandwich fillings to play with. Pairing apple with smoked cheese for a satisfyingly crunchy sambo with a distinctly autumnal feel.

Apple and Smoked Cheese Sandwich


Serves 1

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Time: 5 minutes


2 slices of farmhouse white (or your favourite bread for toasting)

1 teaspoon of wholegrain mustard

50g of smoked applewood cheese, sliced

Half an apple


  1. Heat the grill in your oven. Toast one side of your bread, keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t burn.
  1. Take the toast out from under the grill. On the untoasted side, spread the wholegrain mustard. Layer both pieces of bread with slices of the cheese.
  1. Return the bread to the grill for 3 to 5 minutes, cooking until the cheese is molten and bubbling.
  1. Take the cheesy toast out from under the grill. Slice the apple and add the slices to both pieces of toast. Now sandwich the toast together and slice in half for a cheesy, crunchy treat.

 This recipe first appeared in The Irish Independent on September 17th

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